
作者:Mike Marsee


城市更新抹去了一部分社区. 中央学院的学生帮助保存他们的记忆. 


The history of how urban renewal irrevocably altered a vibrant African American community in Danville was in danger of fading as the people who were part of it began to pass away. 

The details can be found in city records and deed books; demolition orders and building permits. But the deeper story — what the changes did to the community and how it affected the local residents — will live on thanks in part to the efforts of Centre College students and faculty who collected oral histories, photographs and more comprehensive accounts from those who bore witness to the seismic changes.  

丹维尔博伊尔县非裔美国人历史学会 will ensure that the stories of African Americans living in Danville and Boyle County in the mid-20th century will be preserved long after the men and women who shared them are gone. 

What began as a project for anthropology students and evolved into a year-long exhibition at the 诺顿艺术bwin体育 will become a massive addition to the historical society’s collections that its president said couldn’t have been curated without the help of visiting assistant professor of anthropology 杰弗里·珊顿 还有他的学生. 

“我不会说这是不可能的, 但是任何事情的发生都有原因,” 丹维尔博伊尔县非裔美国人历史学会 president Michael Hughes said. “我在正确的时间遇到了杰夫, 合适的时机, 我只是觉得这是来自更高的力量.” 

申顿的学生开始收集口述历史, photographs and artifacts from members of the local African American community. Hughes and Shenton asked 诺顿bwin体育 administrators to consider displaying their work in what became the exhibition “《我们曾在此:非裔美国人在博伊尔县的经历.” 

Seen from behind, two people look closely at black-and-white photos displayed on an orange wall.

After the photos are taken down and the listening stations are unplugged, 学生们的作品将在历史学会有归宿. 

“这是无法用金钱衡量的, 不是因为你买不到那些信息, 但它是无价的, 这里所做的工作,休斯说. 

The work was the result of the partnership between Hughes and Shenton that began soon after the two met in 2019 — and the bridges Shenton’s students forged with their subjects. 

“我认为我们建立的关系是最重要的部分. 这会把你吸引进(这个项目),索耶·布里耶说, 26届毕业生, who began gathering local histories during his first semester at Centre. 你对你谈论的人了解得越多, and you know the people who lived and hung out on South Second Street, 事情越有趣,就越有个性.” 

这也是休斯个人的想法, because he wants to ensure these histories will be accessible to future generations who know nothing of what Danville looked like before urban renewal came to town some 60 years ago. 

The historical society is trying to find a space where most or all of the collection, 对于它现在位于北第二街的家来说,它太大了, 可以显示. 

“I want to share this experience as long as we possibly can,休斯说. “I’m 74, and probably only two people in the historical society are younger than me, 所以我们不会一直在你身边.” 

Shenton said it was important to display the collection at the 诺顿bwin体育 both because of the large crowds passing through the facility, 也因为bwin体育在丹维尔的城市更新计划中所扮演的角色. He also believes it is vital to continue to work with the historical society once the exhibition closes. 

“We want to systemize some of what they have and give it to them in a really professional-looking way that they can recycle, 基本上, 并向其他人展示,他说. 

Hughes said many of his friends are amazed by what has already been done. 

“I don’t think a lot of them believed that Centre would honor this project like they have and get behind the project,他说. “This is important for the Black community and it means a lot to have this work done.” 

社区参与, 比如口述历史项目, 是学院通识教育课程的核心, aimed at building a robust skillset for students to use during their time on campus and after they move on to new challenges.  

Shenton said that boots-on-the-ground type of work is an area where the College can be an asset to the community while helping shape future leaders. 

“It really is up to the faculty to do the work of going out into the community and finding these kinds of productive projects … and we’re still trying to find new avenues to jump-start interest and awareness,他说. 

布莱特, whose class built an interactive diorama of the former South Second Street business district as its final project, 他说,这也是bwin体育学生留下自己印记的一种方式. 

“I think that’s an important factor for teenagers like me in wanting to do this, 感觉自己有所贡献,他说. “感觉很好。. It feels like you’ve built something that people will appreciate for longer than the four years that I’ll be in Danville.” 

This article first appeared in the Spring 2023 edition of Centrepiece magazine. 

照片由Addie Osborne提供,诺顿艺术bwin体育