Centre students walking on stage at commencement ceremony


This is your one-stop shop for all things Commencement at Centre—from schedules to live streams to accommodations, 都在这里.

Welcome to Centre’s 2024 毕业典礼总部. Below you will find a complete schedule of events, 有关票务和联播的信息, 毕业典礼和毕业典礼服装, 事件摄影, 高级的清单, 以及其他后勤信息. We look forward to celebrating this milestone with you all! 祝贺2024届毕业生!





4:00 p.m.
学士学位 Ceremony, Newlin Hall, 诺顿艺术bwin体育

5:00 p.m.
票要求: $18 per adult, $12 per child under 12, Free for children under 3.

7:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m.
Commencement Ceremony, Newlin Hall, 诺顿艺术bwin体育
票要求: 每名学生限4名.
*Overflow live-stream viewing available in Weisiger Theatre for those without tickets.

12:00 p.m.
票要求: 每人15美元,3岁以下儿童免费.


Graduating seniors will register their guests (parents, 家庭, 和朋友)购买毕业典礼门票. Guests should register themselves for other Commencement Weekend events (Honor Walk, 草坪上的晚餐, 及毕业典礼午宴).

Register guests for Commencement Weekend events


The 注册商′s Office will review and approve each student′s academic record. 一旦获得批准, potential graduates are presented to the faculty having completed requirements for a degree.

周日毕业的学生, May 19 must formally complete all academic and degree requirements by one of the following dates—December 13, 2023, 1月25日, 2024, 或5月15日, 2024—to be eligible to participate 在 ceremony and receive their diploma. Students who complete degree requirements in December and January will officially graduate and be awarded a diploma at the May ceremony. If members of the 2024届毕业生 have any questions about their academic record, they should contact the 注册商′s Office as soon as possible.


Students are required to participate 在 May 19 ceremony. If students do not plan to participate in person, approval must be granted from the 学术事务 Office. 请联络注册主任强强(雅各.johnson@dehuavn.net) to make a formal request to graduate in absentia no later than April 15, 2024.

For students with an account balance, bills are sent at the beginning of each month. The balance due on the bill must be paid in full for Seniors to participate in Commencement Weekend and receive a diploma. Make your payment as early in April as possible 确认您参加毕业典礼. 任何额外罚款, 指控, or fees on a student account must be paid to be cleared for graduation. Charges accrued after May 1st will be billed to the student in June, following Commencement.

  • 学费/食宿费  
  • 图书馆罚款及逾期或遗失的资料 
  • 停车罚单  
  • 健康bwin体育收费 
  • DPS罚款  
  • 书店的指控 
  • 宿舍楼损坏收费


宿舍将在下午6点关闭.m. 美国东部时间5月19日星期日. Graduates must be completely moved out of their residence hall at that time. Contact your Resident Assistant to find out about checkout and key return.


All graduating seniors are required to complete the 长者离职调查 prior to cap and gown pick-up on May 15, 2024. The survey will likely take about 30 minutes to complete. This information will serve as a tool to provide feedback on your Centre Experience and share your new contact information in addition to future plans. The 长者离职调查 link will be emailed to the 2024届毕业生 on April 1, and must be completed in order to pick up caps and gowns. If you do not receive the 长者离职调查 link email, please contact the 教务处.


For parents and family who plan to attend Commencement Weekend, here are a few important links to help you get familiar with campus and the Danville community.
Section of an illustrated map of campus focusing on parking and 入学 office locations


View and download a detailed campus map with labeled parking areas available for Commencement family and guests.

A double bed with green and white covering and pillows in a white room


想找个地方住过周末? 访问 Danville has you covered with a comprehensive listing of hotels, 住宿和早餐, 还有短期租赁.



Danville has a variety of local and chain restaurant dining options to choose from. 访问 Danville provides a listing of restaurants, 餐馆, 面包店, 咖啡店, 还有社区里的夜生活场所.


学士学位 is a Centre tradition dating back to the College’s Presbyterian he丽塔ge. Now drawing from the wider diversity of traditions that characterize the Centre community, the ceremony of reflection and challenge inspires graduates spiritually on their journey forward. 这个仪式将在星期六举行, 5月18日, 2024年下午4点在纽林大厅举行, 诺顿艺术bwin体育.

The 荣誉行走仪式 was born in 2003 with Centre's 20th President, John A. Roush. Each year on the eve of Commencement the senior class gathers at Old Centre to honor those who had the most profound impact on their Centre Experience.

如果你的学长参加了荣誉行走, make sure they are seated no later than 6:45 PM in front of Old Centre. Seniors and honorees will sit together on the Walnut Street (left) side of Old Centre. Other guests should sit on the Main Street (right) side. The first row has reserved seating for guests needing special assistance. Seating at this ceremony is first come, first serve.

Kentucky weather in May is typically sunny, very hot, and humid. Please plan accordingly by checking the most recent weather forecast. Most guests wear dressy casual attire throughout the weekend. It is important to be comfortable, wear comfortable shoes, and bring a hat and umbrella! Guest seating for the 荣誉行走仪式 and weekend meals takes place outside.

Seating inside Newlin Hall is limited to up to 4 tickets per Senior. Guests who do not have tickets inside Newlin Hall for the Commencement Ceremony are invited to join us in Weisiger Theater to view the simulcast. Remember, anyone can view the 学士学位 and Commencement ceremonies from a mobile device. Please direct your family and friends to this page to watch the live-stream! 

Graduate receiving diploma on stage during commencement



专业的摄影师, 柯克Schlea, will capture your graduate’s photo when they receive their diploma so you can enjoy the moment. These and all Commencement Weekend images can be viewed and purchased online by clicking the link below. 一旦在网站上, click on 事件 and select Centre Honor Walk or Centre Commencement from the drop down. The photo lab will print and send purchased photos.




Display your accomplishment as a Centre graduate! Download the official class yard sign art and send to your local sign printer. 18英寸宽× 24英寸高.


multiple students leaning in for a selfie photo in graduation attire

Jostens provides custom caps and gowns for bwin体育 graduates at no cost to 家庭. Cap and gown orders ship directly to bwin体育 for distribution on campus during Senior Week. 购买定制的物品, 公告, 珠宝, 及额外的毕业典礼配件, click the button below and select bwin体育 as your school. These items will ship directly to the purchaser. The deadline to purchase custom stoles is March 29, 2024.



bwin体育支付你的学位帽和学位服费用. You may also purchase a customized stole from Jostens, 从选定的背景颜色中进行选择. Stoles may be customized with College approved ornamentation. Alternative stole ornamentation may be requested with required application.

This policy specifies the criteria and procedures for student use of regalia (cap and gown) as well as other symbols of distinction or ornamentation at bwin体育 Commencement exercises. The College recognizes the importance of stoles in symbolizing academic achievement, 参加学校活动, 以及对身份的庆祝. 

bwin体育支付你的学位帽和学位服费用.  For modest extra cost, you may purchase a customized stole from the vendor.  You may choose among four background color options for your stole, and then customize it with a variety of student club, 组织名称, 大学运动队, 奖学金队列, 以及身份标记印章和标识. To complete your custom stole, visit the Jostens website. 输入 bwin体育找到我的学校 搜索. 从登陆页面选择 个性化的披肩 构筑你的梦想. Custom stoles will be delivered to the customer. 请在3月29日前完成订单 确保准时交货.


If the stole options described above do not include a Centre affiliation group or social identity marker or do not adequately represent that affiliation group or social identity, permission may be requested to wear an alternative or additional stole or ornamentation.  Centre affiliation refers to scholarship groups, affinity groups, academic societies or similar. 社会认同指的是能力/残疾, 种族, 信仰背景, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 比赛, 以及性取向.

Permission requests are submitted to the Commencement Committee composed of fellow seniors, 管理员, 以及教职员工. The student or applying organization will be responsible for the cost of any such regalia. Your application must be submitted for review by March 15, 2024.


注意: All adornments must be school-approved and must not disrupt the formality of the occasion. No adornment may contain vulgar language or offensive images, draw undue attention to an individual person or group that would detract from the occasion, 或者包含其他不合适的内容. We believe that these guidelines are necessary to ensure that our commencement ceremonies are respectful and dignified. We also understand that our students have the right to express themselves, and we hope that you will use this opportunity to personalize your graduation regalia in a tasteful and appropriate manner.  Students not in compliance with the requirements of this policy may be asked to remove and/or conceal any unapproved regalia adornment.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Commencement Coordinator.