Student working through modeling and simulation formula


The 数学 Program seeks to give students an understanding and appreciation of the beauty and utility of mathematics. Quantitative and analytic skills are increasingly important in biology, 经济学, 以及社会科学, as well as in 工程师ing and the physical sciences.


The study of mathematics at bwin体育 provides the opportunity for the development of clear, 逻辑, and creative thinking that may be applied to a wide variety of problems and interests. In addition to these important problem-solving skills, the mathematics major will learn to present concise, 逻辑 arguments in writing and orally. Emphasis is placed on mathematical thinking and precise communication of these thoughts.

Students completing the mathematics major at bwin体育 have a broad range of interests. Many also complete a major in another field. 例如, recent mathematics majors have second majors in chemistry, 计算机科学, 经济学, 英语, 历史, 物理, 和西班牙语.


数学 majors have gone on to a variety of graduate programs and careers.


  • Augentius
  • 邦尼集团
  • 富达投资集团
  • 美世公司.
  • 橡树岭国家实验室


  • 路易斯维尔大学.A.T.)
  • 贝尔蒙特大学.A.、教学)
  • 普渡大学(博士.D.、统计)
  • 华盛顿大学. 路易(M.S.、电气 & 系统工程)
  • 佛罗里达州立大学(博士.D.、应用 & 计算数学)


数学 majors begin by establishing a firm foundation in calculus and linear algebra during the student’s first two years. Students may then choose from a broad range of courses that include the more theoretical studies of algebra, 分析, 和复杂分析, as well as the more applicable areas of differential equations, 概率, 和统计数据.




Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

Students experience the application of mathematics through many hands-on learning opportunities including, bwin体育 运动分析, Modeling Cancer Growth with Differential Equations, and the 数学 of Board Games. Many also participate in areas of math research each summer.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

数学 students participate in a variety of internships in allied professional areas including financial advising, 分析师, 会计, 银行, 和经济学家.


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

Graduates move into a variety of interesting jobs including actuary, 投资银行家, 工程师, 医生, 经济学家, 分析师, 程序员, 和老师. Many combine their mathematics interests with other major fields such as chemistry, 计算机科学, 经济学, 英语, 音乐, 和物理.

Man standing in front of Old bwin体育 wearing blue button up dress shirt


  • David and Marlene Grissom Professor of 数学 and Data Science
  • 数据科学项目主席
  • NCAA 教师 体育运动 Representative
Man with facial hair wearing button up striped dress shirt standing outside on campus


  • 玛格丽特·V. Haggin Associate Professor of 数学
  • 数学项目主席
深色头发的男人, 眼镜, wearing dark suit light purple dress shirt and tie in front of dark background


  • H.W. 小Stodghill. 阿黛尔·H. Stodghill Professor of 数学, Emeritus
